All teachers and instructors conducting Tamil language classes can learn this methodology and implement it in their classes. It has shown a high success rate of Tamil Language Learners; both native Tamil speakers as well as those who have no background in Tamil. Many teachers from across the globe have started to implement this methodology and have seen success.

Padimurai Tamil is a methodology of teaching Tamil that focuses on phonetics. This puts importance on learning the sounds and syllables within the language in order to develop a strong sense of language acquisition. It also focuses on second-language delivery. Padimurai Tamil does not assume any of its learners have knowledge of Tamil prior to commencing learning. Instead, it places students according to their language proficiency, whether it be a beginner or advanced, and teaches Tamil as a Second language. This methodology helps any and all learns to build a strong foundation and proficiency in the Tamil language. Please take a few minutes to fill out the form with your personal and contact information as well as your level of proficiency in Tamil. It is important we know this information so that we are able to place you in the correct class. This should be completed by the student or parent/guardian if they are in Grade 8 or less.

Tamil Credit Course Registration Form - with Mr. Rajaratnam
This form is for Tamil Credit Course Class Registration. The following Student Information, Course Information to be filled out, and course requirement to be submitted. Please call the school if you have any questions.
The name and photo associated with your Google account will be recorded when you upload files and submit this form
Any files that are uploaded will be shared outside of the organization they belong to.

NOTE: This is not the Teacher Training Course. If you wish to enrol in the teacher training course, please register for the Applied Linguistics course.

Student Intake: OTHER (Above the Grade 8 and not enrolled in credit course.) Please take a few minutes to fill out the form with your personal and contact information as well as your level of proficiency in Tamil. It is important we know this information so that we are able to place you in the correct class.